
Pod Hradom

The hotel I was put up in was called the Pod Hradom "under the castle." That's it on the right there, that pink building. Great location in the center on these really old streets.

To go off an a mild tangent, when I checked in, the hotel desk clerk made a big deal about getting me a seperate remote for their satellite TV. Fair enough, I'm easily impressed by technology. I get bored late one night since the whole freaking town shuts down at about nine and start flipping around. I had no idea why this was, but it's safe to say that at least half of the 250 channels the satellite received were arab in origin. And my god, arabic television has to be the absolute worst freaking thing I have ever seen in my life.

Every channel could be broken down in one of three ways, and I'm not being hyperbolic about this at all.

1) Some guy singing the worst pop song (in arabic) you could possibly imagine; typically he'd be out in the desert somewhere, maybe around ruins.

2) A panel of guys sitting around a table discussing something very seriously with horrible background designs projected behind them on a bluescreen.

3) The lowest of low rent porn out there. Even worse than it's exceptional trashiness was that over top of the porn would be projected about 10 different phone numbers with flags of various middle-eastern countries next to them with and written underneath each of them it says "Live Arab Sex Chat!"

All I know is that after about 15-20 minutes of flipping through that crap I felt like finding a Quran I could flush down a toilet.